Advocating with Integrity: Why Ethical Conversations Matter in Legal Practice by Jennifer M. BolducTuesday, November 5, 2024
As lawyers, we are advocates, advisors, and sometimes, the bearer of uncomfortable news - especially when ethics come into question. One of the more challenging aspects of being an advocate is engaging in candid ethical discussions that can make or break a case and, sometimes, a career. Judges talk to each other about us: they talk about our skills as advocates and, more importantly, they talk about our trustworthiness. These conversations and our reputations are not things any of us should take lightly. We need not only to educate ourselves on the ethical issues we may face, but also on how to hold conversations with our clients about ethical issues.
Hike for Heart 2024Tuesday, September 24, 2024
It was a chilly but beautiful day supporting St. Mary's Hospital Foundation's Hike for Heart 2024 at the Laurel Creek Conservation Area! Team Giffen was honoured to walk alongside those who have had treatment at the Cardiac Centre and those who work at St. Mary’s Hospital!! |
Welcome, Richard Noll!Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Giffen LLP is pleased to announce that Richard Noll (and his esteemed clerk, Rachel Petts) have joined our firm!
While Richard has extensive knowledge and experience within all aspects of family law and related issues, he can also assist with real estate, mortgages, wills and powers of attorney, estate planning, administration and litigation.
As a seasoned litigator having appeared before all levels of court in Ontario, Richard will assess all options available and work with his clients to best resolve any situation.
We welcome Richard and Rachel to team Giffen! |
Welcome, Tory Auld!Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Please help us in welcoming Tory Auld as our newest associate. We are thrilled that he is joining Team Giffen!!
Tory attended law school at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland where he enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the law in the United Kingdom and its influence on the Canadian legal system. Upon returning to Canada, Tory completed his Canadian accreditation and was called to the bar in the spring of 2021.
After being called to the bar, Tory started his own law firm where he practiced a combination of corporate, real estate, as well as wills and estates. He focused on establishing new businesses, contracts, and corporate restructurings.
Welcome to our team Tory!!! |
What is a Parent? By Megan BrohmanTuesday, September 20, 2022
Every family looks different. When there are children involved, it is important to know the role the adults in the home play in the life of the child.
Biological Children For a biological child and parent, it is easy. The birth parent of the child is recognized in law as the parent of the child (Children’s Law Reform Act, s 6(1)). The exception to this rule is surrogacy; surrogates give up their entitlement to parentage via surrogacy agreement or declaration by a court (CLRA, s 6(2)).
Adopted Children In the case of adopted children, the guiding statute is the Child, Youth and Family Services Act. As of the date the adoption order is made, the adopted child is treated, by law, as if they are the biological child of the adopted parent (CYFSA, s 2(a)). The adoption order effectively breaks all legal ties between the child and the birth parents (CYFSA, s 2(b)). Therefore, as of the date of the adoption order, the person whose name is on the order becomes the legal parent of the adopted child, whereas the birth parent ceases to have any parenting role or legal ties to the child.
Stepchildren When it comes to stepchildren, the Divorce Act is the guiding statute. The Divorce Act uses the term “child of the marriage”, which includes the child of two spouses or former spouses where: (Divorce Act, section 2(2))
(a) the spouses stand in the place of parents; and (b) one spouse is the parent and the other spouse stands in the place of a parent.
The term “stand in the place of a parent” is also referred to as loco parentis. Essentially, a person who stands in the place of a parent will be deemed by the court to be a parent of that child. When determining whether a person in standing in the place of a parent, the court will consider several factors outlined in Chartier v Chartier (para 39), including:
(a) Intention (expressed or implied) to assume parental obligations (b) The fact of forming a family with the child, including considering:
If these criteria are satisfied, the person will be seen as a stepparent to the child, which gives them rights and obligations as a parent. If the marriage were to breakdown, a stepparent has the right to apply for decision-making responsibility (formerly referred to as custody) and parenting time (formerly referred to as access) (CLRA, section 21(1)). However, the stepparent also has an obligation to pay child support for any child in which they stand in the place of a parent (Divorce Act, section 15.1(1)).
Common Law Marriages and Children When it comes to children of common law marriages, the Family Law Act is the guiding statute. A child is defined by the Family Law Act as “a person to whom a parent has demonstrated a settled intention to treat at a child [of their] family” (FLA, s 1(1)). The same test from Chartier, as outlined above, is used to determine if a person stood in the place of a parent to the child in question. Again, if the court finds the person satisfied the listed criteria, this gives rise to rights and obligations as a parent, including decision-making responsibility, parenting time, and child support upon breakdown of the relationship.
If you have further questions or inquiries, please contact 519-578-4150 for more information.
Resources: Chartier v Chartier, [1999] 1 SCR 242. <1999 CanLII 707 (SCC) | Chartier v. Chartier | CanLII>.
Children’s Law Reform Act, RSO 1990, c C-12. <>.
Child, Youth and Family Services Act, SO 2017, c C-14, Sch 1. <>.
Divorce Act, RSC 1985, c C-3. <>.
Family Law Act <>.
Changes to Notice Requirements Under the Occupiers Liability ActFriday, July 16, 2021
It has long been observed that Ontario’s Occupier’s Liability Act carried an inherent prejudice against occupiers in that there were no notice requirements for injuries arising from a slip and fall, thereby often preventing a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the slip and fall. However, the Occupiers Liability Act was recently amended to add a section requiring a 60 day notice requirement for injuries arising from the presence of snow or ice. The notice must provide the date, time, and location of the occurrence, as follows:
Notice period – injury from snow, ice
6.1(1) No action shall be brought for the recovery of damages for personal injury caused by snow or ice against a person or persons listed in subsection (2) unless, within 60 days after the occurrence of the injury, written notice of the claim, including the date, time and location of the occurrence, has been personally served on or sent by registered mail to at least one person listed in subsection (2).
It is further stipulated under subsection (2) that the notice must be personally served on the occupier or an independent contractor employed by the occupier to remove snow or ice on the premises during the relevant period in which the injury occurred.
Practically speaking, permitting a 60 day period to provide notice might not be overly helpful to the occupier because conditions will likely have changed in the intervening time. However, the new notice requirements are much preferable to the situation that existed prior to the amendments.
For example, prior to the amendments, a claimant could wait two years to provide the occupier with notice of the injury. At that point, any surveillance footage would likely be deleted, witness recollection would be compromised, and relevant maintenance records may have been deleted. With the new notice requirement, at a minimum, there would be preserved records, and the maintenance personnel would have reasonably fresh recollections. Depending on the location, there might even be contemporaneous surveillance footage that could still be accessed. The prospects for a more thorough investigation are obvious.
However, despite the new notice requirement, the amendment carves out the following exception:
6.1(6) Failure to give notice in accordance with subsection (1) or insufficiency of the notice is not a bar to the action if a judge finds that there is reasonable excuse for the want or the insufficiency of the notice and that the defendant is not prejudiced in its defence.
As such, if a judge finds that there is a “reasonable excuse” for the lack of notice and that the defendant is not prejudiced in its defence, then the 60 day notice requirement can effectively be waived.
While there is no reported case law to date interpreting notice under section 6 of the Occupiers Liability Act, the newly added section is very similar to the notice requirements that already exist under section 44(10) the Municipal Act, 2001, which stipulates that no action shall be commenced against a Municipality unless notice is provided to the Municipality within 10 days of the occurrence. Similarly, there is an exception in the event that a “reasonable excuse” can be provided for the lack of notice.
It is therefore likely that courts will look to caselaw interpreting section 44(10) of the Municipal Act, 2001, for guidance when interpreting these new sections of the Occupier’s Liability Act. Particularly, with respect to whether there was a “reasonable excuse,” the test will likely be whether in all the circumstances of the case, it was reasonable for the plaintiff to not give notice until she did. Relevant factors will likely include the following:
With respect to prejudice, the onus will likely be on the plaintiff to establish the occupier was not prejudiced in its defence. The absence of prejudice can be established by demonstrating there are other sources of information such as:
Again, it is likely that the Courts will adopt these factors in interpreting the notice requirements under section 6 of the Occupiers Liability Act, as the underlying principles are effectively identical.
Should you wish to discuss how the Courts may interpret the new provisions going forward or discuss strategies in defending such claims, feel free to contact Giffen’s insurance defence team:
Stephen Brogden – Nolan Downer –
Best regards,
Giffen LLP - Response to COVID-19Friday, March 13, 2020
In light of the continued spread of COVID-19 and more recently, the ‘global pandemic’ declaration by the World Health Organization, we at Giffen LLP have been taking various precautionary measures and adjusting our operations to ensure the health and safety of our employees, clients, families and the greater community. We will continue to do so as the situation changes. We are making every effort to ensure this situation does not impact the quality of service and support that our lawyers and staff are providing to our clients.
At this time our offices remain open but we are prepared in the event that all or some of our members need to work remotely. We have technology in place that enables us to do so in an efficient and effective manner, allowing us to provide uninterrupted service to our clients as necessary.
To protect our internal community, we have enhanced our office sanitation efforts and put policies in place for business and personal travel, events and meetings. We also continue to provide our employees with the most up-to-date health and safety procedures as outlined by Health Canada, Ontario Health Agency and Region of Waterloo Public Health.
Please do not hesitate to contact your relationship partner, or me, if you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in guiding you through these new challenges.
We greatly value our relationships with you. We are confident that we will get through this together and wish everyone the best during this difficult time.
Yours truly,
Philip A. Garbutt, Managing Partner Giffen LLP |
Welcome, Tyler Nivins!Friday, January 31, 2020
Giffen Lawyers welcomes Tyler Nivins as an associate lawyer. Born and raised in Kitchener, Ontario, Tyler earned his BA (Honours) from the University of Western Ontario in 2011 prior to receiving his law degree from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom in 2019. Great to have you with us, Tyler!
To learn more about Tyler's practice, please go here. |
Welcome, Jacqueline Fitzpatrick!Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Giffen Lawyers LLP welcomes Jacqueline Fitzpatrick as an associate lawyer. Originally from Ariss, Ontario, Jacqueline earned her BA (Honours) from the University of Guelph prior to receiving her Juris Doctor from Lakehead University in 2017. Great to have you with us, Jacqueline! |
Welcome, Emily Metcalfe!Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Giffen Lawyers LLP welcomes Emily Metcalfe as an associate lawyer in our Family Law department. Raised in Waterloo Region, Emily received here undergraduate degree from the University of Regina, before graduating from Queen's University with her Juris Doctor in 2018. Great to have you with us, Emily! |
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Giffen Lawyers 25 November 5, 2024 |
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Kelsy Gill 4 January 6, 2023 |
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Coleta Patey 3 September 27, 2022 |